Scott Budden Joins Board

Kent County Oyster Farmer Scott Budden brings knowledge, enthusiasm, and maybe oysters to our board.
Kent County Oyster Farmer Scott Budden brings knowledge, enthusiasm, and maybe oysters to our board. Photograph, Jay Fleming
Maryland Sea Grant is pleased to welcome Scott Budden to our External Advisory Board. The board advises Sea Grant on our efforts to connect with Maryland stakeholders through our strategic plan and outreach activities. Current members represent key government agencies at the state and federal level, nonprofits focused on environmental conservation and restoration, marine-related industries, and educational and service organizations.

Budden, 32, is an Eastern Shore native with a longtime love of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers who now has an oyster aquaculture business. He is the founding partner of the Orchard Point Oyster Co., which operates water-column oyster aquaculture leases in Kent, Queen Anne’s, and Talbot Counties. Orchard Point focuses on the half-shell market, selling its product at high-end restaurants in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Annapolis. The oysters are marketed as Orchard Point Oysters. Budden graduated from Bucknell University in 2007, and was recently featured on its alumni magazine cover for his entrepreneurship. A former media analyst in Washington, D.C., Budden has become active in environmental restoration since returning to the Shore.

In addition to his Sea Grant appointment, he serves on the boards of ShoreRivers, a clean water advocacy group on the Eastern Shore, and the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance. When he’s not working, he enjoys hunting for waterfowl, oyster shucking, boating, and cooking.

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